Florence Simms
Since 2021
Has been with us-

My background is in scenography, performance and live art. I also have experience working for creative engagement projects with children and young people and community outreach activities. I am looking to develop a more holistic approach to my art practice by working across various mediums such as painting, drawing, sculpture, digital art, printmaking, clay, sound and video art.
I enjoy making site-responsive work that engages with the history and context of a particular place. Natural forms are often present in my work, such as plants, weather, water, soil… In my paintings, I often use bright colours and abstract markings. Scent and fragrance are also important considerations for me. Thematically, I have previously explored aspects of my own lived experiences of neurodivergency, as well as wider concepts of failure, ritual, ancestry, feminism, food, and mental health. I often will look to popular culture as a strategic form of humour and irony in some of my performance work. My practice is constantly evolving!
Instagram: yrnusanctuary - for art things
floseph - personal instagram, Twitter: florence_simms
"I have always been attracted to the community ethos that Assembly House lives and breathes. I wanted to find a new family of artists and a space that we all share and work together to develop. Everybody is so welcoming and friendly!"