No Two People
Duo Rosie Vohra and Andrew Lister
2nd – 7th Nov (2017)
The two artists hold in common the use of appropriated materials and objects as a way of bringing their works closer to the outside world whilst subverting the traditions of painting, which they both hold close as a rich source material. As a common point of departure, the works presented include those that directly interrogate these influences, alongside works where both artists build upon these traditions on their own terms. For Rosie the traditions that are most apparent are those of Indian Miniature painting whilst for Andrew it is those of European Painting.
Andrew Lister (the teacher), based at East Street Arts in Leeds. Andrew is renowned for his use of unusual materials and quirky sense of humour: his Conversation with Mondrian is a battered old workbench inlaid with carefully worked ivory letters, and his Lord’s Prayer is a rebus, a picture puzzle, part text and part drawing, using inlays of ivory and plastic in a fragment of old board. On a humble striped jay cloth he has lovingly painted a reproduction of Holbein’s Dead Christ in the Tomb.
Rosie Vohra (the student), based at Assembly House in Leeds. “My practice emerges from a focus on drawing and collage. I use printed ephemera, found objects, Indian miniature paintings and observational drawing to build a visual vocabulary to express the content of my work. The imagery is informed by questions relating to gender stereotypes, heritage, domestic arrangements, hierarchy, decision-making, humour and desires. The relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional work is integral to my practice and I am interested in how painting, sculpture and fabric work can feel elastic when tied together by the idea of collage, allowing for different ideas and sensibilities of materials to co-exist.”
Project Gallery