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Abdullah Adekola
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About Adekola

I write, perform and teach. I make art. I am self taught. I’m based in Leeds, UK. My style is playful, philosophical, and romantic.


People need hope and they need stories. You should tell your story or risk being ignored or misrepresented.


I’m a Black-British working class artist. I am interested in education, history, race, anti-racism, class, faith, and the search for beauty and meaning in life and art. I am interested in mental health recovery and I have a diploma in social work.


I lead a collective Leeds called 'Say It With Your Chest', who deliver regular open mic nights, workshops, and have helped to facilitate the development of ‘People Of Content’ a zine made by Leeds-based people of colour.


Sharing stories, sharing my truth, the creative process and the search for connection, beauty and meaning in life and art are all things that inspire and drive my artwork.

I began writing after graduating from my chemistry degree, I felt I needed to make a change and start doing more things I enjoyed. I’ve always enjoyed reading. I saw a friend doing spoken word and thought it looked fun, so in 2016, I gave it a try and I’ve not looked back.


Two of my biggest achievements are the poetry i’ve been publishing. My full debut collection of poetry is coming out in September 2021 (Inshallah)

But in the meanwhile, you can buy my poetry pamphlet here. It’s called ‘3 Poems by Abdullah Adekola’ 


What a genius title right?


About the project


For the Assembly House Digital Programme 2020, Adekola is bringing us a project exploring the hopes, fears, dreams and nightmares of black men during a global pandemic, lockdown and anti-racist uprisings.


Could have been a dream. Could have been a nightmare will take the form of a series of videos and writings filmed by the participants and Adekola himself.


The project will be exploring one of the strands of the Digital Programme: Positive outcomes of lockdown and isolation, and lessons learned for the future. The artwork will explore the hopes, fears, dreams and nightmares of black men during a global pandemic, lockdown and anti-racist uprisings. There will be a reflection on lockdown and isolation and lessons learned for the future


IG: @adekolapoetry

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